Studies have shown that 60% of firearm purchases are for personal safety reasons. Most of these gun owners don’t train properly in defensive shooting skills. I saw this repeatedly over 25 years of owning two training companies and more recently during my 2 years managing training and range operations at an indoor shooting range.
During 30 years of police and SWAT experience I was always amazed how call outs or hot calls seemed just like training. Training with quality instructors and repetitions provided me with confidence in my skills to make the right decisions in stressful situations. Feedback from instructors was crucial in building and mastering my skills. I was given a course of action to take based on my training.
It’s easy to sit on the couch or be a keyboard commando and visualize how you would react when confronted with a situation that could result in death or serious injury to you or loved ones. Over the years I have seen both law enforcement officers and civilians discover in scenario training or live fire drills their skills and decision making were severely affected by stress induced training.
We do fight like we train. That training must be realistic and pass the stress test. Can I perform these tactics or techniques when I’m scared or with adrenaline pumping through my system. Can I manage effects of stress present in a life or death situation? Are the techniques I’m mastering going to minimize these effects?
When you search the internet you can find a variety of pistol and rifle techniques to practice. I encourage you to evaluate those techniques and determine if they pass the stress test. Taking a training course with an experienced instructor is the best way to improve your skills. Shooting from an open carry position, not moving, closing one eye, not using available cover and not using proper tactics is not the way to train. Don’t fall into the trap of simply owning a firearm is enough, it’s not!
Invest in your safety in 2019 & take a training course and see if it makes a difference.
Be Safe & Aware
During 30 years of police and SWAT experience I was always amazed how call outs or hot calls seemed just like training. Training with quality instructors and repetitions provided me with confidence in my skills to make the right decisions in stressful situations. Feedback from instructors was crucial in building and mastering my skills. I was given a course of action to take based on my training.
It’s easy to sit on the couch or be a keyboard commando and visualize how you would react when confronted with a situation that could result in death or serious injury to you or loved ones. Over the years I have seen both law enforcement officers and civilians discover in scenario training or live fire drills their skills and decision making were severely affected by stress induced training.
We do fight like we train. That training must be realistic and pass the stress test. Can I perform these tactics or techniques when I’m scared or with adrenaline pumping through my system. Can I manage effects of stress present in a life or death situation? Are the techniques I’m mastering going to minimize these effects?
When you search the internet you can find a variety of pistol and rifle techniques to practice. I encourage you to evaluate those techniques and determine if they pass the stress test. Taking a training course with an experienced instructor is the best way to improve your skills. Shooting from an open carry position, not moving, closing one eye, not using available cover and not using proper tactics is not the way to train. Don’t fall into the trap of simply owning a firearm is enough, it’s not!
Invest in your safety in 2019 & take a training course and see if it makes a difference.
Be Safe & Aware